The Soil Environment

Selman Waksman’s Seven Grand Questions on Soil Microbiology

Selman Waksman, a biochemist and soil microbiologist whose research into the decomposition of organisms that live in soil, co-discovered streptomycin along with Albert Schatz and Elizabeth Bugie. Waksman’s team in the Rutgers Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology. discovered several antibiotics, including actinomycin, clavacin, streptothricin, streptomycin, grisein, neomycin, fradicin, candicidin, candidin. Streptomycin was the first effective drug against gram-negative bacteria and the first antibiotic used to cure tuberculosis. In 1952, Waksman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for “ingenious, systematic, and successful studies of the soil microbes that led to the discovery of streptomycin.” {NOTE: There are indeed controversies about exactly WHO deserves what share of the credit for the discovery of streptomycin, but there is NO controversy whatsoever that this work happened in Waksman’s lab and that the members of lab developed and refined the procedures for the ingenious, systematic, and successful studies of the soil microbes.}

It is precisely that ingenious, systematic, and successful studies of the soil microbes that we are interested in carrying forward with Soil Quality Laboratory. Although Waksman’s research was more general and far reaching because his lab also examined the role of bacteria in marine systems, with a particular focus on the role of bacteria in nutrient cycles, we are particularly interested in SOIL science and especially SOIL microbiology … which is why we are still very much interested in the Seven Grand Questions that Waksman posed in his 1927 book, Principles of Soil Microbiology

What organisms are active under field conditions and in what ways?

Intracellular Activities in Soil Microbiomes

Activities of Extracellular Protins in Soil

What associative and antagonistic influences exist among soil microflora and fauna?

What relationships exist between soil organic matter (SOM) transformations and soil fertility?

The Importance of Soil Organic Material

The Concept of Soil Quality

What is the meaning and significance of energy balance in soil, in particular with reference to C and N?

The Processes That Determine The Role of C in The Soil

The Processes That Determine The Role of N in The Soil

The Flow of Energy in Soil

How do cultivated plants influence soil transformations?

How can one modify soil populations and to what ends?

What interrelationships exist between physicochemical conditions in soil and microbial activities?

Overview Of The Soil Microbiome

The Bacteria and Archaee in Soil

The Fungi in Soil

The Viruses in Soil–Potential Roles, Activities, and Impacts

Horizontal Gene Transfer and Microevolution in Soil

The Protists in Soil–A Token of Untold Eukaryotic Diversity

Plant-Associated Baceteria and The Rhizosphere

Microorganisms Cycling Soil Nutrients

Methods to Determine Bacterial Abundance, Localization, and General Metabolic Activity in Soil

Soil Microbiome Data Analysis

Soil Metagenomics: Deciphering the Soil Microbial Gene Pool

Soil Analysis of Transcriptomes To Assess Expression and Activity Patterns in the Soil Microbiome

Metaproteomics Of Soil Microbial Communities

Stable Isotope Probing – Detection of Active Microbiomes In Soil

Isolation of Uncultured Bacteria

Statistical Analyses of Microbiological and Environment Data

Soil Microbial Communities and Global Change

Soil Suppressiveness To Plant Diseases

Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria In Agricultural And Stressed Soils

Biodegradation and Bioremdiation of Organic Pollutants in Soil

The Impact of Metal Contamination on Soil Microbial Community Dynamics

Management Strategies For Soil Used For Cultivation, Including Modulation of the Soil Microbiome