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The Role for Containers and K8s

Accreting the additional BASELAYERS of containers, ie not applications, but additional baselayer built on top of the foundational, ultra-minimalist primary baselayer will be fundamental for how the ephemeral CloudKernelOS layers on its functionality on top of an ultra-secure, ultra-minimalist PRIMARY base layer.

A fork of K8s will be used to accomplish this accretion; tracing and observability will be essential to maintaining security and peformance.

🐝The general intention is about developing the the most extremely lightweight, very most minimal baselayers which would comprise a monitorable, secure :closed_lock_with_key: RTOS for ensuring observeability :stethoscope: in safety-critical edgeOS or use cases such as :alembic: high performance computing or scientific computing :test_tube: for which an important set of threads :thread: completely dominate the :alembic: computing purposes :test_tube: of any use case for a container image.🐝

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